Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Well, Samhain was supposed to kick off the documentary but as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men...

What it boils down to is that I had intended to film people from my local area first and then begin foraging all over the state for others, some of whom have already volunteered.  Imagine my surprise to find out rather recently that it has been summarily decided by the group of people I had first intended to film, that my camera is not welcome, even though the same group voted unanimously earlier this year to allow it.

I don't blame people for being camera shy, I really don't.  I try to be as responsible and reasonable as I can to accommodate anyone who might be filmed in ensuring their privacy but I can't deny that this was a blow to me...almost a crushing blow.

Fear is prevalent in our community.  I won't deny for a moment that it doesn't affect me too.  Being out as a Druid where I work can be really difficult for me because even though I cannot be fired, nobody can stand up against scrutiny if they want to find something to nick you for.  I get that.  I have a family and a roof to provide for and a vehicle payment so I can get to the place where I work to pay for them.  The idea of potentially losing my job sometimes twists my guts up.

I also know that regardless of what I do to pay the bills, the future is what I am fighting for in everything I do from Druidry to Documentary, it is all for this community and I am disappointed that fear alone has carved a substantial portion of my immediate community out of this project.

However, the show must go on.  I have refocused upon the goal of this documentary.  I don't really think that I need to do something that demonstrates the web of connection this community shares.  Instead, I feel that perhaps it is better if I focus upon how the people here connect to the land, as opposed to try and demonstrate how we are connected.  The reality is, to me anyway, that we are connected through the land and to demonstrate the one is to demonstrate the other.

So, a little bit of a change but for all the right reasons as I see it.  In essence, the focus of this documentary is going to change from large groups and ritual to the small daily practices of groups and individuals that wish to show us all how they connect to the land.  So I need volunteers to be filmed.  I'll take all comers, anyone who wants to be filmed.  I will spend a day with you, observing your practice and filming it.  Everyone who wants to be interviewed, I will find a way to do so.  At major public events (Beltane at the Beach springs to mind) I will film from far enough away that individuals cannot be identified and then interview individuals who are interested in talking about what the event means to them, etc.

From North to South, East to West, Maine is a place of Magic.  It has everything from Desert to Ocean, Mountain to Valley, lakes, streams, rivers as well as an abundant variety of wild life.  We are blessed to walk this land and I hope to show anyone who wants to watch this completed documentary, exactly why.

I will also be starting up a gofundme campaign for community fundraising.  I still need a few pieces of equipment that will help the documentary but I am basically going to beg and borrow anything I can to do this from anyone I can to do this.

Many blessings upon us all and a heart felt thank you from those who support this project.

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